Advertisement Analysis

Cadbury's Gorilla Advert Aug 31st 2007
Introduction: Format, Purpose, platform, and target audience:
The format for this advertisement is commercial as it is trying to sell something to the audience publicly on either their TV, Laptops or other devices. It was a one-off advertisement because it was something new and Cadbury always have new and different advertisements to appeal to the society of today.
The purpose of this advertisement is to show audience that ‘Cadbury’ chocolate can make you smart and basically if you eat it you can become like a gorilla who can drum; which is not something normal. But their main reason is to promote Cadburys dairy milk chocolate.
The platform for advertisement is on TV, billboards and YouTube. This is used so they can distribute their advert further one through all the different media platforms to get more sells for their product (chocolate).
The target audience is mainly aimed at children and people who love music, this is because Cadbury dairy milk chocolate and animals are appealing to younger audience (especially if it’s a drumming Gorilla).
In this type of advertisement, Cadbury’s main idea is to promote their Dairy milk chocolate and since a lot of children eat Chocolate the use of the Gorilla drumming will be funny and will be amusing to the younger audience; making them want to buy it because they would think they can become a ‘drummer too’. This also refers to the mode of address which the advert is using; they use humor to draw in their audience effectively because a drumming Gorilla is funny. They also partially use dramatic because they show small close up scenes of the Gorilla face and as they music beat drops they pull the camera out to show that the gorilla starts drumming to the song. Therefore, this partially shocks viewers and gives them a small giggle or something to laugh about.
In this advertisement they use specific persuasive techniques such as humor and they include their taglines. This makes the audience more interested because they enjoy the advertisement by having a laugh and since they added a tagline at the end, it allows views to realize what the advertisement is actually about; chocolate(Cadbury). It partially has aspiration too because it shows a Gorilla drumming to ‘In the Air Tonight’ (music) and therefore this shows audience that because the gorilla eats Cadbury chocolate he has the capability to drum and he’s a gorilla. Therefore, this suggests that since he eats Cadbury he can drum, so if the audience buy the Cadbury and they eat it… maybe they could do something similar to the gorilla as well, but this isn’t true; it’s just a way to make people buy their product.

This advertisement has a message and value which is basically saying you can do anything you want when you eat/buy Cadburys product. This advertisement was a hit and became viral because it surfaced platforms such as YouTube and people where sharing the video to their friends and family everywhere; Facebook, twitter etc. This is because the video was something new and hilarious, amazing how they made a gorilla to start drumming to a very well-known song (In the Air Tonight) and because of this, it created a massive buzz and this is proven by the amount of views the video and shares it got.

In this advertisement there isn't much connotations behind each meaning or is difficult to analyse, however this could be implemented as a form of structure or another 'connoted' meaning behind the whole advert which could actually have a powerful meaning. For example, they may not add these certain characteristics or have persuasive techniques with an actual meaning because they want their audience to go further in depth for search of the meaning behind it, which would probably lead you too that you can achieve anything if you buy and eat Cadbury dairy milk, proven through this drumming gorilla.


  1. A decent attempt. However this is a difficult advert to analyse as it does not have a direct relation to the product. You could have been clearer on persuasive methods using examples. Vanessa

  2. I believe I have added an edit as the last paragraph to try improve my grade.

  3. Yes this is clearer now and a decent effort. V


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