Rick and Morty (Analysis) S3, Ep1

Rick and Morty
Characters: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Beth, Summer, & Aliens
Victim: Rick Sanchez
Hero: Rick Sanchez
Helper: Rick Sanchez
Villain: Intergalactic aliens
Parallel narrative: Throughout the play it does this continuously, it starts it’s episode from a cliff hanger from the previous episode and then cuts through the scene of the simulation to the intro and then changes to earth, where his family are having dinner but are being over ruled by intergalactic forces. It then cuts through multiple scenarios. From Rick being captured, the aliens communicating, Morty, Beth, Summer and Jerry are having a conversation and then it cuts to Rick having a conversation with an Alien and then back to earth but with Morty and Summer, where Summer wants to try save Rick because she believes Rick didn’t abandon them and is captured, so Morty tags along. They use multiple jump cuts and matched cuts.
Flashbacks: There was a few flashbacks during this episode because this shows affection between the characters and reminds him of who and what he lost. They also try to use a flashback method, to get into his brain and review his old memories; where they try unlock the code to create the ‘Portal Gun’ but fail. They use a flashback of when Rick remembers all of his family; his daughter and wife who died due to an explosion while he was at home watching  the’9/11’ attack.
A Flash-forward is used when Morty is having an argument with Summer and emphasizes how the only Rick which help you is buried in their backyard; this is where in another episode they buried the other Rick and Morty, after time travelling and they came to this earth and those ones died. After this scene, Summer realises and runs toward the backyard to dig up their grave to find the portal gun and try find Rick.
Time & Space: They use a small clip (flash forward) from a previous episode before the opening theme tune/intro. It’s set in a restaurant, in the day time. Where Rick is with his family; Morty, Beth, Summer & and, but it’s all a trick and just a simulation, in one of Ricks memory. It is actually set in an alien base, where the aliens are trying to get information out of the main character; Rick Sanchez. The setting is set out space, in a world; which have intergalactic aliens and other creatures.  After this it goes to an establishing shot, which shows the outside of the house and the weather is raining and the time of day is night time and this time it’s set in the house but the garage.
From the flashback we can see that it was quite a few years after the attack of 9/11. However, he uses his intelligence and gets out of the intergalactic prison and is now in the form of the alien, using one of the technology.
Cliff-hanger: They end their episode on something based during the episode for example this one had spoken about ‘Schezuan sauce’ and Rick ends the episodes by ranting about the sauce and how good it but after the credit scene finishes, it provides a small clip of next episode or an upcoming episode and they end it at the interesting part and therefore this draws the audience back  and want to watch more of the episodes, hence why it continues and becomes even more interesting, due to the cliff-hanger, which creates suspense and tension for next episode.
Editing (continuity vs discontinuity): Matched cuts/ jump cuts, Story continues but conflicts between each scenario and uses flashbacks to refer to the audience. However, through the episode we as the audience, can see the editing is used through flashbacks; matched cuts to perform this and jump cuts to jump through each scene but they also use transitions and close ups; one where they closed up onto Ricks face laughing, and then it flips to and over shoulder shot to Rick and the Alien trying to talk but Rick stops him by laughing.
Chronology: The first episode starts from a cliff-hanger from a previous episode but this shows that the episodes are continuous and from the beginning not in chronological order. But due to the series which revolves around sci-fi and time travel, this provokes the order of chronology.
Subjective & Objective: This beginning is based on personal feelings because the character gets captured for a certain reason but you can see his emotions from the close up on his face when they remind him of what happened to his daughter.  We also see these emotions from the mode of address and tone the way the talk during the conversation; where Rick was laughing but in the other scene, he’s laughing but in another scenario, Morty is panicking and you can tell from his voice and actions/movements. We are also shown this through editing and close ups on his face, where he has tears of fear.
Mode of address & Tone: The storyline is delivered through dialogue between each character and change of scene throughout the episode. Throughout the episode there’s multiple conversations which use slow tone and oppressing mode of address which creates emotion and too follow this they use sad music in the background.
Type/Genre: Comedy & Sci-Fi. Therefore, this is sub/cross genre and it’s also this because the seasons which go on. The drama is also crime and action, which also
Role of audience: We observe the information and consume it as a hypodermic needle theory.
Role for producer: Inform the audience and is determining how they’re getting out but how the audience think they will.
Camerawork/Shots:  They use multiple jump cuts but use matched cuts to jump to flashbacks or flash-forwards but then end up back in the same scene or another scene similar to the previous. They use a lot of over shoulder shots in between conversations and also first person views. They try to show audience the emotion of the characters by using close ups and medium close-ups upon the characters face.  They use an establishing shot between a scene, where the record the outside of the house of the garage, where it’s raining and they use a long wide shot and they zoom into the garage, where the next scene & scenario, occur between Morty and Summer



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