This is a real campaign poster for a charity called 'Islamic Relief', where they raise awareness for Islamic countries which are in poverty, and struggling to survive by not having the simple essentials of food, water, shelter or even clothes. This specific poster is about misreporting Muslims and how the media portray Muslims as today and create this vicious Islamophobia amongst the public viewers, which cause the people in these bad conditions to be forgotten about and less people care about to donate too.

The typography used in this campaign poster has two different style of fonts. The font used to address the  problem is shown as the title; "Misreporting - ", this is just simple, capitalised and bold font. This may be used to connote how serious the poster is trying to be and this use of typography, stands out most clearly to audience as it works well with the background. The second half of the title "- Muslims", is written in a different font style, this style is the same for the names of the people who are attending the event or who have been effected - however, this may have been also used to make the idea stand out more because the posters is about the confliction on Muslims and this font is written in big text, with a style of curvy font which could be compared to modernism. They may have used big font and a different style of font between each text because it makes each part stand out; the part talking about Muslims, is written in different font and this will therefore make it stand out more to audience, as it's a different style and it's also bigger In size. This appeals for most people because it shows that not all Muslims are how the media is portrayed and in the poster they want you to come to the event and talk about how media misreport Muslims, so you can raise money for those Islamic countries and people in poverty and suffering from less donation because of how media portray them as 'terrorists', which puts a bad idea in peoples mind and making them feel like they shouldn't donate towards these 'Muslims'.

 There's also text in the middle on the right hand side, which gives information about the event and this tells us how and where, they're trying to create this event and it tells us the price of the ticket, the location where the talk for the misreports of Muslims will be held, the time and there will be a childcare too. They consider different titles and different headings and sub heading for each sector in this one poster - from the imported branding too.
The point of focus is directed at the image placed in the open in the middle because the poster is to try make people come to the event and raise awareness for these people in poverty - disproving how media portray the misreporting of Muslims. They place our attention and focus towards the kids on the poster; one kid holding a baby with no clothes and both looks like they're dirty and from their facial expression you can see they're not enjoying life and the fact that there's a baby with no clothes and a young girl holding it, shows how tough their life is and this appeals more to audience, building upon our point of focus because the background of where there's dirt, and broken, small houses but this is blurred out and the camera is more focused on the children. They address our point of focus onto children because it will make people feel bad that children are living like this and a baby has no clothes and therefore, make those who care to say; "ok, they're kids, they deserve better, I should donate", (something like this).
The poster uses the graphic style of composition because they create specific areas of the poster to appeal more; the girl and baby are larger and placed to the left hand side, covering most of the left side and is bigger than everything else on the screen  but, not too big. The text is set on the middle on the right side, these are directed straight to the audiences eye, since we automatically when looking at a poster see the biggest thing first (which is mostly in the centre) but this is a generally an image.

This is how the poster uses the different graphic design elements to create a more seriousness and try to sell their campaign, by attracting more donations and try to help these people by coming to the event and contributing £10 for a ticket and talk about how media misreports Muslims too. There's also other like information from previous events or posters; as shown in the bottom right corner, there's a special theoretical performance, to talk and address the situation of Rohingya clearly to younger audience too. They also include the speaker at the top right corner and they still use the same font as the one used for "Muslims", for the speaker and 'I am Rohingya' and this therefore, shows how these two points are also important and how they want audiences to be sure to see this too (by using the same style of font as used for the big and bold text). To ensure people know what company is holding this, they've added their logo at the top left corner, "Islamic Relief" and this is a well trusted charity company for Muslims in need and this proofs more that the poster is a campaign for a real, trusted charity.

The connotations in this may be based from image, or colour; the colours used in this are  black, green and white. The colour of black is used as a way to outline the text of important key terms; one what their aim is "Islamophobia and the media", two where the link to buy tickets is "Islamicrelief.ca/Rohingya", three the person who will be addressing the issue "keynote speaker". This is used as an outline to give the text a bigger and bolder viewing to audience and stand out more, while the colour of white is used for the font because it's clear stands out on the black, but the black is transparent so you can still see that background. The colour white could connote that they're trying to be serious and they want to make change because the colour white is normally compared with goodness. Black could be a way to connote that the problem is dark and dirty but to put the white on top, it's trying to change that bad, into good and turn 'dirty' into good. The green is also used similar as the black but for the information, and the colour green may connote nature but show how in the background there's no nature and this shouldn't be the way the live. The whole idea and use of graphic design element is just to make you feel sorry and try put u into their shoes by representing what they're going through and what it looks like, so it makes you want to donate and help.

The combination of images used during this poster are a multiple of different images to represent how the event will occur and what will be included - the girl with the baby, layered over the blurred out background represents how try to make this image appeal more and this is what they're trying to stop with their campaign. In the top corner, they lay another image of the person which will be talking at the event to represent this campaign and they show this because the text they used is like credits, where they tell everyone that he's the 'Keynote speaker' and by providing this image, it allows everyone to remember the noticeable face if they do attend the event. Most of the combination of images are layered above the background, in different compositions of the poster to still make sure the point of focus is still based on the text and the main image of the children suffering.



This screenshot shows the website I've chosen and you can see from the screenshot it's about Islamic relief. The first thing you see from the website is an image for a video and from the image you can tell it's a very young girl who seems to be upset and her face and hair is messy and dirty. From her eyes you can see it's watery, as if she's just been crying and you can tell this is a video because in the middle of image there's a play button to address users to click and watch. They've most likely used this at the beginning because it appeals straight away to audience as their point of focus is directed to the little girl in the centre of their screen and it tries to make them feel sorry for her by trying to direct them to click the image on the screen. This is a dynamic video which has been embedded onto their website but it gives you the option to play it or just stare at the image for the video.

The typography is placed in the top left corner and in the direct centre of the video: the font for the logo is simple but bold, with white text as it stands out more with the blue background; with their slogan being "saving lives since 1984" is represented in capital letters, which stands out more than plain and simple lowercased lettering.  Whereas, with the font in the middle of the video, it's style is different to the logo, it's still big and capitalised as this still stands out but it's very noticeable as the colour of blue stands out in the open. The style of font is like the letters are broken, this is to represent and refer to the background and how the Eastern Ghouta need help. The style of this font could connote that the people of this area are living in broken down structures.

This is the first piece of navigation you see because when you click on the image it will navigate you to a video through the use of a hyperlink; where you will see many children with no parent, in broken/bombed structures and their clothes are dirty and their skin looks dirty, and their crying whiling giving an emotional speech. The second piece of navigation is the motion simplest one used for most websites and as shown in the screen shot; a drop down menu. The drop down menu is for users to click on and they can select the option they want to find because this will help them search through the website faster and saving a lot of time. Once found they can click the selected option from the drop down menu, which will navigate you to another page of their website by using a hyperlink. However, if you cannot find your selected option from the drop down menu bar, they've included a search bar; where if you need anything specific you can just search it up and it will automatically navigate you to the correct area of the website. The third way there website uses navigation is at the very top, where they promote their contact information and social media. This area allows you to click on which ever you need and will direct you towards that place by using a hyperlink. For example, the social media logos allow you to click on them and it opens a hyperlink to navigate you to the website of the selected social media place (YouTube logo opens a hyper link to this page- https://www.youtube.com/user/IslamicReliefUK). Another example is the phone number &email is very unique because when you go to it, you expect it to just be writing no other selected, no hyperlinks. However, you can click on both of them and it will open up a page for you to directly contact them using other software, for example the phone number opens Skype and will allow you to call them if you can Skype credit. And, the email opens up Hotmail, for you to email them and this is done by hyperlinks too.

The structure and grid is set to appeal to the audience and make it easier. In this website it does this because, at the top it gives you a selection of choices to find what you need using the different navigation tools; "drop down menu or search bar". It's set clearly and efficiently, so you can access it easily, everything you need is set at the top from contact list to the search bar and this is structured like this because when we open a page our eyes normally go from top to the bottom of the screen. However, in most cases it's in the centre and this is why the added a clear area with an embedded video and titled it "Children of Palestine" because it appeals more to audience, especially with the thumbnail of a child too.

Scale and proportion are set individually to make sure audiences point of focus is aimed at the direct centre, while they still have the option of availability with accessing everything else (making sure it's still visible but not the main point of focus) but having the dynamic video the biggest area of attraction on their website. The image is set bigger than the text and covers all of the website because this is their idea and main attraction they're trying to stop. Whereas, the title is set in the direct middle of the image but not bigger than the image - it's set to a decent scale of proportion, which makes it visible and clearer than other text like contact information.

They may have use the colours and theme of black and blue because these two colours have two connotations which could connote how the try to address their issue. Black would connote danger and death, and disaster, where blue would connote strength, wisdom and help. In this sense, Islamic relief are trying to say the people are in problem such as death, danger and disaster and we're here to try help and give them wisdom, hope and strength.

They allow you to scroll down the page but at the first section it's structured to only cover most of the screen with the video, so they're kind of forced to click it or they have to either click on something else or scroll down to not see the image. This can also be compared to hyperdomic needle theory as it sells the idea straight to audience with the image and tries to feed them this information just from the thumbnail alone.

The websites behaviours follow rollovers because you can scroll down through the page to go to the bottom where there's selection of their Islamic relief work etc. And when you hover the cursor over something specific for example the "Donate Now" bar, it changes it colour to a brighter yellow colour because this makes the writing stand out more and become more appealing, so if you do hover over it by accident, it comes up as a bright yellow, like an alert and reminds you because you are address to a bright colour, on a dark themed webpage.

In this campaign video it explains humans rights and why it's needed through motion graphic of moving image through animation.
The timing and rhythm of them motion is smooth but a upbeat past because it animated to the sound by the narrator because he tells a story, while the motion graphic puts it into place. This could create a successful campaign because it allows viewers to analyse and understand what the campaign is about and at the beginning it's fast but gradually gets slower and keeps the same past all out - this is when the scene changes from good use of human right, to bad and to how now a days it's successful and part of UK law. The way this is created could be so younger audience become more involved and feel like it's something good to watch (since it's animation) and they'll find it more appealing because it fit's their style of genre - it doesn't bore them.

Perspective and angle for the motion graphic changes through out the whole, but at most it's set directly in the middle and we can see it from the middle because all the animations for each key step are presented forward, in the centre because it's we're most audience point of focus is set at. Therefore, being the best place to also place the composition for each motion.

The audio used in this video is a narrator, which explains the human rights as well as the video gives examples to make it easier to understand for audiences. And, they use music to keep the video more lively and not make the audience fall off topic; this sound is non diegetic, as we cannot see them talking and it's a narrator + music.
The motion graphic in this video is dynamic because it's constantly changing through different scene and motion to build up this constant story, about human rights. This represents the technical feature of interactivity as it constantly keeps changes and keeps you more interactive with the video because your mind is focused on many different activities; not just one thing to bore you.


  1. 2A.M3 (Merit) you have explained how messages and meanings are conveyed in three existing examples of graphic design from two different media sectors.


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