Task2c - Compare & Evaluate Traditional Techniques V Publishing products
Compare and Evaluate
Traditional techniques with digital publishing.
Give a range of detailed examples throughout to illustrate
Break it down; Provide x2 examples (traditional vs. digital)
and write.
Need at least x6 examples (x3 traditional & x3 digital).
Products – What do they produce? E.g. Leaflets, Newspapers,
etc. What is the process?
Audience – Who is the target audience?
Portability – How are they accessed? Devices? Multiple
Convenience – Is the process convenient i.e. printing? How
convenient is it for consumers?
Updates – How easily can these products be updated? Do they
move with the times?
For task 2c I will be comparing and evaluating Traditional technique processes verses Digital publishing processes. I will be analysing 3 traditional and 3 digital and the first I will be comparing will be Lithography (traditional) and E-newspapers.
Firstly, both lithography and e-newspapers produce Newspapers and therefore, both of there purposes are to inform and educate because they create newspapers, but lithography is paper based newspapers. Whereas, e-magazines are online based. For both newspapers their target audience must be just the general public, but to keep it too specifics, it would generally be around 16+ (teenagers and adults); this is because it's only adults and some teenagers who are actually interested in news. The process for each newspaper is that for lithography, they use machinery to create their paper based newspapers, whereas, e-newspapers use computers and software to construct their newspapers, through the use of Photoshop and images, because it's all based online and is published on websites.
Firstly, both lithography and e-newspapers produce Newspapers and therefore, both of there purposes are to inform and educate because they create newspapers, but lithography is paper based newspapers. Whereas, e-magazines are online based. For both newspapers their target audience must be just the general public, but to keep it too specifics, it would generally be around 16+ (teenagers and adults); this is because it's only adults and some teenagers who are actually interested in news. The process for each newspaper is that for lithography, they use machinery to create their paper based newspapers, whereas, e-newspapers use computers and software to construct their newspapers, through the use of Photoshop and images, because it's all based online and is published on websites.
E-magazines are accessed through specific websites such as Mirror.co.uk, The-Guardian, Metro etc. and e-newspapers are easily accessible through the internet and users can search for the websites and they can read off their computer screens, smartphones, or even some smart televisions. However, with lithography newspapers, you must purchase them from the store if you want specific newspapers, but some are free and handed out in markets or bus stations. Lithography newspapers have to be printed because it's created by the machine and this isn't very convenient for ever consumer because a lot will have to purchase their favourite or have to walk out, but with some they don't mind because they travel daily for work and at most train & bus stations, they're handed out as print based. However, print cause time consumption as you have to go pick it up and it's less convenient because you have to carry it everywhere with you, and they're quite large making them less portable. Whereas, e-magazines are easily portable, less time consuming and easier to carry because you can view them simply on your smart devices, but the downside is you would need internet to view them and mostly travelling underground by train, there's no service.
Lithography newspapers can be updated by making smaller copies of them, which therefore, makes it more portable and makes it easier for people to carry along. They could also create newspaper only bins, where people can dispose of their unwanted newspapers and this will allow them to recycle too. Finally, they could possible open some more job where more people hand out newspapers, but not the simple newspapers, the newspapers everyone really wants to read like The Sun, but that's only down to The Sun as well OR, if they don't want to give it for free, make the prices less. For updating e-newspapers they could put free Wi-Fi connection at the underground train and bus stations for everyone to use, and to keep everything in order and keeping their internet secure, everyone who wants to use the internet, must sign up with their real information.
For my second comparison and evaluation, I will be talking about Letterpress printing and the modern version of using a laser printer and then I will be referring this to e-books. Letterpress printing is the printing of where they press letters into material as a method of engravement. Letterpress press produces products which are create through relief printing; creating an impression of ink from one to the other (other being the material and one being the main machine). They're mainly used for engraving ink onto postcards or business cards, however, they're also used for engraving onto material such as stone and wood, for example being a grave stone, which applies the impression of ink onto it through it's machinery. To follow from this, laser printing also does this similar format of impression/relief printing but in this case, it doesn't engrave. Laser printing as well as letter press, both print a form of impression of ink onto the material applied; card & paper, however, Laser printing is clearly the early modern version because laser printing is done through a machine, but this machine is not like the letter press and does require Man movement for printing. This machine is called the "Printer" and this works through the connection of a computer, which allows the product on screen to be printed out directly to the machine, where paper rotates through and the codes impress the ink onto the paper, based from the product on the computer screen. But, both processes base off printing their impression of ink onto a material, which therefore, evaluates the comparison they have; printing ink on material.
There target audience for the elder version would've been adults, but for the Printer and laser printing, it's aimed at all, but wholesomely directed for adults. However, laser printers can be used for teenagers too because majority use computers and complete homework through the use of a computer and print it out from the laser printer. The laser printer is accessed through the computer or through devices such as smartphones, laptops, ipads, computers and depending on the version of laser printer you have, depends on what device can be used. For the external devices such as smartphones and ipads, the printer must have airdrop/air cloud printing available to connect to the device, however, with computers and laptops, the laser printed is connected through cables. However, if someone wanted to print using laser printer they could travel through all platforms, which have printing enabled. Platforms such as, Google images or 9gag can allow you to print and research images, but with computers you can take a screenshot of the page and use software's such as Photoshop or Microsoft Word, to paste your screenshot and edit it and then print it out. But, with letterpress you can do the same with the modern version of machines, which allow you to use the same process of laser printing, but with letterpress it engraves it.
Laser printing and letterpress are both convenient because they're easy to use, but this is talking about modern letterpress because early letterpress would be classed less convenient, as it must be done by hand, whereas laser printing is done manually through a computer, making it quick and easy. However, the laser printer and letterpress both compare to E-books because books would firstly use letter pressing or laser printing to create the words on the pages, but with modern day inventions, we have computers which allow us to create books online. E-books can be easily created through coding and using programs such as Photoshop and Microsoft word, where you write it up and then you create your cover or create edits for your front covers using Photoshop's, and then these are distributed through Amazon Kindles or smartphones, and they can be bought through platforms such as amazon etc.
For my third comparison, I will be comparing letterpress, online gaming-(game consoles) and board games development. Game boards was the initial method of gaming, these were made out of material such as cardboard & wood; games such as monopoly, snakes & ladders & chess. These games we're invented through simple print of letterpress & flexography for the cardboard versions, as they're print the ink directly onto the cardboard games, however, with wood it would've most likely been letter pressed into, as it this makes it easier to print words and phrases onto the material.
Game boards overtime developed into online gaming because after the computer had been invented, designers figured out how to and what games to code into the computer, such as; Online chess, which allowed you to play chess with a bot. This really defined the definition of development amongst gaming; to see it transfer from simple cardboard & ink print, towards online was very successful. However, this isn't the end because now in modern day, online gaming has developed very successfully, having over billions of people playing gaming online through devices such as computers & laptops, smartphones, and especially, the game console (Xbox & ps4). With game consoles and laptop covers, you would be able to see engraved letters or logos, this is most likely done through early printing methods of either letterpress or laser printing.
The game console would allow people to portably travel with their gaming device and play new released games with their friends and other players online, through the internet & dependent on whether the game had a multiplayer selection. One of the most successful games of todays society is Fortnite. This game is so successful because it is available to all devices and has cross-platform action, which means any person using either a computer, laptop, mobile device, game console
(only the ps4 & xbox1) they could all connect through the Fortnite servers and play with each other. Another reason why it became so popular was because they'd made two versions, a campaign version which you need to pay for, but the one which is really popular for it's game mode being Battle Royale, was free, for all platforms & devices.
Smartphones have developed tremendously and they have access to the internet, taking photos, making phone calls across the whole world, having apps which allow you to socially interact with your friends outside or others on the internet using the apps. However, smartphones have developed with computers & consoles and gaming, because every smartphone allows you to download games and you can play games on the go; at school/work, on the train/bus, at a friends house, or even simply outside on the streets. Smartphones (like all other devices) have their logo on the back of their phones, which were mostly started by laser printing, but some developed at started engraving their logos, like the S8. And now, with smartphones & computers you can print out your own games easily using the modern printers.
There target audience for the elder version would've been adults, but for the Printer and laser printing, it's aimed at all, but wholesomely directed for adults. However, laser printers can be used for teenagers too because majority use computers and complete homework through the use of a computer and print it out from the laser printer. The laser printer is accessed through the computer or through devices such as smartphones, laptops, ipads, computers and depending on the version of laser printer you have, depends on what device can be used. For the external devices such as smartphones and ipads, the printer must have airdrop/air cloud printing available to connect to the device, however, with computers and laptops, the laser printed is connected through cables. However, if someone wanted to print using laser printer they could travel through all platforms, which have printing enabled. Platforms such as, Google images or 9gag can allow you to print and research images, but with computers you can take a screenshot of the page and use software's such as Photoshop or Microsoft Word, to paste your screenshot and edit it and then print it out. But, with letterpress you can do the same with the modern version of machines, which allow you to use the same process of laser printing, but with letterpress it engraves it.
Laser printing and letterpress are both convenient because they're easy to use, but this is talking about modern letterpress because early letterpress would be classed less convenient, as it must be done by hand, whereas laser printing is done manually through a computer, making it quick and easy. However, the laser printer and letterpress both compare to E-books because books would firstly use letter pressing or laser printing to create the words on the pages, but with modern day inventions, we have computers which allow us to create books online. E-books can be easily created through coding and using programs such as Photoshop and Microsoft word, where you write it up and then you create your cover or create edits for your front covers using Photoshop's, and then these are distributed through Amazon Kindles or smartphones, and they can be bought through platforms such as amazon etc.
For my third comparison, I will be comparing letterpress, online gaming-(game consoles) and board games development. Game boards was the initial method of gaming, these were made out of material such as cardboard & wood; games such as monopoly, snakes & ladders & chess. These games we're invented through simple print of letterpress & flexography for the cardboard versions, as they're print the ink directly onto the cardboard games, however, with wood it would've most likely been letter pressed into, as it this makes it easier to print words and phrases onto the material.
Game boards overtime developed into online gaming because after the computer had been invented, designers figured out how to and what games to code into the computer, such as; Online chess, which allowed you to play chess with a bot. This really defined the definition of development amongst gaming; to see it transfer from simple cardboard & ink print, towards online was very successful. However, this isn't the end because now in modern day, online gaming has developed very successfully, having over billions of people playing gaming online through devices such as computers & laptops, smartphones, and especially, the game console (Xbox & ps4). With game consoles and laptop covers, you would be able to see engraved letters or logos, this is most likely done through early printing methods of either letterpress or laser printing.
The game console would allow people to portably travel with their gaming device and play new released games with their friends and other players online, through the internet & dependent on whether the game had a multiplayer selection. One of the most successful games of todays society is Fortnite. This game is so successful because it is available to all devices and has cross-platform action, which means any person using either a computer, laptop, mobile device, game console
(only the ps4 & xbox1) they could all connect through the Fortnite servers and play with each other. Another reason why it became so popular was because they'd made two versions, a campaign version which you need to pay for, but the one which is really popular for it's game mode being Battle Royale, was free, for all platforms & devices.
Smartphones have developed tremendously and they have access to the internet, taking photos, making phone calls across the whole world, having apps which allow you to socially interact with your friends outside or others on the internet using the apps. However, smartphones have developed with computers & consoles and gaming, because every smartphone allows you to download games and you can play games on the go; at school/work, on the train/bus, at a friends house, or even simply outside on the streets. Smartphones (like all other devices) have their logo on the back of their phones, which were mostly started by laser printing, but some developed at started engraving their logos, like the S8. And now, with smartphones & computers you can print out your own games easily using the modern printers.
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