Unit 9 - Task 3/ Continuity Editing SCRIPT

The Eye Line Match is a shot similar to match on action, but this is where the off screen character and one screen are directly aimed at the characters eyes. Here’s an example


The 180 degree rule is an important rule which means in television, the camera men must not cross the line of vision between two characters, otherwise the viewer may not be able to make sense of the scene. Here’s an example


The 30 degree rule is the angle between any two consecutive shots. This should be less than 30 degrees, in order to main that spatial relationship between characters. Here’s an example.


The Match on action is a cut between two different shots that place in two different framings of the same action next to each other, this makes it seem as a continuous conversation or action. Here’s an example


The Shot Reverse Shot is two different shots, where the camera is placed at one character looking and talking to another character off screen and then it switches to other character and then back to the first. Here’s an example


The Page Peel transition is a simple effect which peels the video page as if you’re changing pages on a books. Here’s an example


The Wipe is another simple transition to change scenes by wiping away one scene to another, here’s an example.


Fade in and fade out is a transition where the scene slowly fades out into darkness, and then fades back in to the next scene. Here’s an example


Dissolve is very similar to fade in & fade out because the dissolves slowly straight into the next scene, without going to black. Here’s an example.


The Cut is just a transition where one scene jump cuts to the next scene preferably in the same location. Here’s an example


Cut away is a shot normally used for conversations during a phone and it cut always from one person In another location, to the other off screen.


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