Unit 4 - Sound Evaluation

You must now evaluate your audio work. To do this, you must consider if your audio work is:
  • meeting the aims of the brief
  • adhering to original idea and plan.
You must then consider:
  • the strengths of your audio (what worked well?)
  • areas for improvement (what could be better?).
You should use an appropriate way of presenting your evaluation.
Meeting the aims of the brief
With my audio work, I believe that it has met the aims of the brief because when constructing my audio pieces I have looked at the brief specifically each way, analysing each specific area for what is needed to done, and I followed the brief questions and assessment while doing my audio work. I met the aims of the brief by going step by step from the brief and completing all of the tasks from all the different Aims - Aim A, Aim B, Aim C. I followed and completed all the pre-production, So on Aim A I have demonstrated successfully about two different sectors and in media, and I spoke successfully about the videos specific areas such as the music, dialogue, sound checks, effects, equipment list and the all the others too etc. on Aim B, I spoke and researched about microphone types, and all the recording equipment's and acoustics, and I went into further detail on the information for all the tasks in Aim B. And, Finally, on Aim C I completed my audios successfully and I completed the planning portfolio successfully, and I completed everything I hoped to do  and also, I successfully created two different audios and I edited them successfully too.
Adhering to original idea and plan
Adhering with my audio recordings, I had planned to record two audios such as an interview/a podcast talking about a new game or something like Fortnite, and than with my second audio I planned to like make a tutorial type audio such as how to upload videos onto YouTube or something and I would do it only by audio in more descriptive language, but with my choices I changed them because I didn't believe they where very well considered or would be good to record. So I changed my original ideas from those, to making two simple, but well constructed and considered audios... I chose to sing a song and I chose the singer/rapper XXXtentacion - Changes and I chose this because I like the song and it's pretty short and also really has a powerful message, but apart from that I felt like I can edit my own cover very well by making myself sound different like auto tune or squeaky, cut out parts I don't need, make sure the audio sounds clear and effective like the song, and than also I imported an instrumental version of the song onto my audio track and I edited it together so the instrumental fits my audio of me singing perfectly.  And with my other audio track I decided to keep the idea of making a tutorial, but I changed the tutorial topic, and I made a beat-box tutorial where I thought people how to beat-box the famous 'boots n cats' and I showed them how to start it and create it, and than I gave them an example of what it sounds like, than showed and taught them, then showed how boots n cats beat-boxing can be used for other beat-boxing techniques/music as well and such as the other track, I edited it similar too, but didn't add squeakiness but a lot of other edits which I screen-shotted and placed onto my blogger.
The strengths of my audio which I believed worked well was the actual quality of the recordings in both, because I decided to record my audios both in doors since it sounded very well when I tested both microphones in both different locations. My audio sounded very clear and high quality, with no bad acoustics or any interruptions with my audio. And with my audio comes the next strengths that my overall outcome of my audios after being edited, it sounded well constructed and made, but I only believe that is was well for my singing videos. So this means, another strength which I believe I did well was the editing for my music song, because after I finished editing I felt like it was well constructed and edited because it sounded actually good as a song, and also with my song I received some feedback from some friends who said it actually sounded pretty good and decent, some even laughed because of the editing of the pitch change and I believe it sounded better after editing from listening to the original and than the edited, especially since I can't actually sing. Also, i felt like i completed all areas of the work from Aim A to Aim B, to Aim C and I felt like my planning portfolio was also very well made too.
Weaknesses (Areas for improvement)
With my audio I believed the areas which needed improvement was with my beatboxing audio, because I feel like the edited wasn't well constructed and I prolonged myself for too long, I didn't make it like a proper tutorial type podcast and I didn't follow my dialogue for beatboxing exact how I had it because I didn't read off it, I just made it up on the go when recording because I had to record at home due to my microphone being at home too. Also, I believe the  editing wasn't all great and didn't make it sound very unique too because it didn't follow the tutorial type of audio/video concepts; formal and straight to the point etc. I added weird edits and random times to try make it sound interesting and unique, but I don't feel like I did that successfully.


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