
Showing posts from April, 2018

Task2c - Compare & Evaluate Traditional Techniques V Publishing products

Compare and Evaluate Traditional techniques with digital publishing.   Give a range of detailed examples throughout to illustrate Break it down; Provide x2 examples (traditional vs. digital) and write. Need at least x6 examples (x3 traditional & x3 digital). Products – What do they produce? E.g. Leaflets, Newspapers, etc. What is the process? Audience – Who is the target audience? Portability – How are they accessed? Devices? Multiple platforms? Convenience – Is the process convenient i.e. printing? How convenient is it for consumers? Updates – How easily can these products be updated? Do they move with the times? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For task 2c I will be comparing and evaluating Traditional technique processes verses Digital publishing processes. I will be analysing 3 traditional and 3 digital and the first I will be comparing will be Lithography ...

Unit 9 - Task2 Continuity editing video. - Updated


Unit 9 - Task 3/ Continuity Editing SCRIPT

The Eye Line Match is a shot similar to match on action, but this is where the off screen character and one screen are directly aimed at the characters eyes. Here’s an example   The 180 degree rule is an important rule which means in television, the camera men must not cross the line of vision between two characters, otherwise the viewer may not be able to make sense of the scene. Here’s an example   The 30 degree rule is the angle between any two consecutive shots. This should be less than 30 degrees, in order to main that spatial relationship between characters. Here’s an example.   The Match on action is a cut between two different shots that place in two different framings of the same action next to each other, this makes it seem as a continuous conversation or action. Here’s an example   The Shot Reverse Shot is two different shots, where the camera is placed at one character looking and talking to another character...

Task 2b - Digital Publishing Products

Task 2a - Traditional Printing products

Unit 2 - Learning Aim B - Presentation

Brief overview: First off I researched off into this magazine to find the correct 'audience, colour style etc.'; like wise I took inspiration from x n y magazine. My idea to sell is this genre and the purpose is to - and my target audience is x/y/z. The platforms are etc. - YouTube. My timeframe is this; Any questions? Any Questions?

Deadpool - Rhythm, Space & Time Editing


Journalism Task 1B - Summary

Write a summary of these digitally published products and how they compare to each other in terms of their purpose. For each of these digitally published products, they all share similarities as their point of focus and purpose is generalised around advertisement, education, and to inform. For example with E-Magazines compared to E-Newspapers, e magazine is to inform and entertain, whereas in E-Newspaper it's more to educate and inform. However, they share the same method of purpose through both and this continues through the others. Comparing adverts and CD Covers or promotional material their purposes is aimed making market for their products, however in doing this they need to promote and advertise it; which is exactly the same in adverts. The products such as training or e books are similar because its purpose is to educate and entertain, training will allow you to educate and possible as it's a course could be entertaining. Whereas, e books can be educational and e...

Journalism Task 1A - Examples products

What are digitally published products and how are they used? In this task you need to draw up a table, a mind map or similar, in which you explain the uses of different digitally published products. For each one, you need to give an example of a real product, and how it is used (for example, to inform, educate, entertain, market/ promote, provide advice / support, persuade).   Include the following products: E-newspapers - An online version of a newspaper. This educates and informs users on internet of recent news from the newspaper articles. Which also allows less paper production and shares across a wider market audience - increasing revenue too.  This informs people that there's "boxing day gales". E-magazines - An electronic version of a magazine. This entertains and informs audiences of certain genres people are interested in and, it allows ad's to be shared across multi people, which also allows less paper production - increasing revenue too; ...

Wix Website Screenshots


Unit 2 - Planning & Considerations ; For Magazine

For my magazine I will be creating the first page as a first cover for how I will want everything else to look like too. From my colour scheme and feedback chosen, I will be using that information to make sure my magazine follows it's criteria. The front cover will be designed used Photoshop and I will grab images from online but then create heading and information from my logic upon the game (including the tips and tricks etc.) and then from the websites of epic games, I will introduce what they have planned for upcoming events and I will make this appealing on the front cover, as I will use typography which will be colourful and big and bold, adding images of the new events and new props and weapons etc. I will include a price on the front cover too like "ONLY £2 FOR TODAY!" and this will allow me to reach to more audiences as it's like a gift, a one day pass for cheaper. - For this plan, I will make sure I do not cause slander to any of the creators from Epic Ga...

Wix Website

Screenshotsof poster.
