Task2c - Compare & Evaluate Traditional Techniques V Publishing products
Compare and Evaluate Traditional techniques with digital publishing. Give a range of detailed examples throughout to illustrate Break it down; Provide x2 examples (traditional vs. digital) and write. Need at least x6 examples (x3 traditional & x3 digital). Products – What do they produce? E.g. Leaflets, Newspapers, etc. What is the process? Audience – Who is the target audience? Portability – How are they accessed? Devices? Multiple platforms? Convenience – Is the process convenient i.e. printing? How convenient is it for consumers? Updates – How easily can these products be updated? Do they move with the times? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For task 2c I will be comparing and evaluating Traditional technique processes verses Digital publishing processes. I will be analysing 3 traditional and 3 digital and the first I will be comparing will be Lithography ...